9 Ways To Make Your Small Bedroom Look Bigger

Whether you have a small bedroom or live in an apartment with limited space, it can be hard to find ways to make the most of your limited square footage. By following these nine tips on how to make your small bedroom look bigger, you’ll transform even the smallest room into one that’s inviting and cozy – without sacrificing storage and style. Here are 9 ways to make your small bedroom look bigger!

1) Add Large Wall Hangings

If you have a small bedroom, you might feel boxed in and confined by all of those tiny little walls. However, there’s one thing that can make them feel bigger: large pieces of artwork and wall hangings. If you use mirrors or cover your walls with paintings and posters, not only will it look good, but it will also make your room look like it’s bigger than it actually is.

2) Choose Furniture in Light Wood

Dark furniture can sometimes make a room feel smaller than it is. Be sure to choose light-colored, light-weight furniture for your small bedroom to create an illusion of space. Use lots of mirrors: Mirrors are good as they reflect light and make a small room appear larger than it is. Hang wall art at eye level: Choose focal pieces that hang about 5 feet from the ground, thus making them more interesting to look at than those hanging too high or too low on walls. Use contrast colors: Avoid using two colors that are very similar in hue together, as they will only cause each other to appear darker and smaller than you'd like.

3) Light Up The Dark Corners

When you’re decorating a small bedroom, it can be tempting to try and use every square inch of space—but dark corners make your room look smaller. Instead, concentrate on lightening up corners where you might have put items like chairs or dressers. Or install a light above or hang a mirror that bounces natural light around. If you need additional storage, look for items that don’t take up too much space—like hanging shelves or slide-out drawers. Also, consider adding some texture with darker colors or patterns to visually expand your room—which is especially helpful in places like hallways and entryways.

4) Invest in Bright Throw Pillows

Bright throw pillows are a great way to add color and texture to your bedroom without overwhelming it. The bright accent will cause your eye to immediately focus on them, making them appear larger than they really are. They’re also a fun way to add some playful energy and personality to your bedroom, which can easily get lost in a small space (especially if you have a lot of white or neutral furniture). Throw pillows don’t need much space either—try layering two or three on top of each other for an easy effect that adds pop and dimension.

5) Add Bright Accents

It’s a common mistake to take a less is more approach to decorating your small bedroom. Rather than going with simple colors and minimal furniture, choosing bold colors and accents can make your space feel larger without adding size to it. For example, instead of a solid-color bedspread or duvet cover, use one that features an interesting pattern or design. If you already have dark walls, place accents against them in bright, high-contrast colors like red or orange. An area rug that contrasts with your walls can be another effective way to add color without taking up much floor space.

6) Fill A Side Table With Books And Plants

It’s a common decorating trick: draw attention to an empty side table by placing a small houseplant or stack of books on it. By emphasizing these items and leaving everything else out, you can make your room look much larger than it is. It's a quick fix that works especially well if you live in a tiny apartment. Just be sure not to go overboard, because stacks of papers and plants might look cluttered and tacky in larger rooms.

7) Use Mirrors In Place Of Pictures

It’s a bit of an illusion, but mirrors are one of my favorite ways to make any room appear bigger. If you have space for it, use two; one directly across from another will create a narrow hallway appearance and make your room look much larger than it actually is. You can also hang them above your bed instead of on walls. The effect will be a double-height ceiling (which makes small rooms feel taller) and it also gives you more storage and/or display space below!

8) Hang Pictures Horizontally On Walls

If you want to create an illusion of space and make your room look bigger, hang pictures horizontally. Varying heights will keep things from looking monotonous, too. If you can’t put any objects on one of your walls (maybe you’re painting a mural or have something big planned) consider hanging some clipboards or plain wooden squares instead. Or buy them just for visual interest and hang nothing on them at all—people won’t know unless you tell them! Be sure to add in a few of these tricks to help your living space look larger than it is.

9) Paint The Room White

One of the best ways to make a small room look bigger is to paint it white. This can be achieved using latex or acrylic paints, so you’ll have a choice depending on your preferences. But either way, painting a room white will instantly appear larger than it did previously. The reason behind it is that white gives off an expansive feeling and makes people feel more at ease; when someone feels more comfortable in their surroundings, they automatically feel less confined. And one of its benefits is that it brightens up any given space while simultaneously making it look bigger.

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